The Environmental Impact of Mile Tracking with MileMaker

August 29, 2024
As the transportation industry faces increasingly stringent environmental standards, trucking companies must make regulatory compliance a top priority.
MileMaker mileage tracking and routing software provides insight into fleet performance and your operators' driving habits. You'll get access to actionable data to help you become a more eco-friendly transportation operation in real time.
What are the environmental advantages of implementing MileMaker?
Integrating MileMaker software into your fleet management practices offers several environmental benefits.
1. Reduced fuel consumption
MileMaker enables you to optimize your trucking routes, resulting in shorter trips. Your vehicles will spend less time on the road, helping to conserve fuel. As an added bonus, your diesel costs will also decrease, which can boost your business's bottom line.
2. Smaller carbon footprint
Using MileMaker to plan routes more efficiently and reduce mileage will also lower greenhouse gas and CO2 emissions. Your company will leave a smaller carbon footprint, making it a better environmental steward.
3. Less air pollution
The Clean Air Act of 1970 and other legislative initiatives have significantly reduced air pollution over the past half-century. However, the Environmental Protection Agency indicates that pollution remains a substantial problem in many areas of the U.S. By enabling your company to optimize driving routes, our software can help reduce emissions of harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other particulate matter.
4. Driver training opportunities
Data generated by MileMaker software can help fleet managers identify areas where altering driving practices could produce more eco-friendly results. You can use feedback and training to modify driving habits that burn excess fuel and decrease your vehicles' operating efficiency.
5. Reduced idling time
Drivers can use MileMaker to plan delivery routes that avoid heavily congested areas. Your trucks will spend less time idling in traffic, reducing harmful pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Your vehicles' miles-per-gallon rates are also likely to improve.
6. Improved maintenance practices
Mileage tracking software can provide more insight into your trucks' performance and condition. Fleet managers will be more proficient at determining the timing for preventive maintenance, ensuring that vehicles operate at peak efficiency and reducing their environmental impact.
Contact us to learn more today
At MileMaker, we're committed to our customers' success and to doing our part to maintain a healthy environment. We're passionate about revolutionizing mileage tracking and route planning for trucking operations of all types and sizes in an eco-friendly manner
Experience all the advantages of using our software to reduce your company's environmental impact and other essential business purposes. Contact us to request a demo today.